A documentary at the heart of French rap: its beginnings, its history, its influences. Featuring exclusive interviews, freestyles, and live...
Rap Attack
On May 19, 1990, French rap pioneers Lionel D and DJ Dee Nasty performed on the stage of La Clef in Saint-Germain-en-Laye for what would be one of...
Lionel D & Dee Nasty Live 19 mai 1990
Between 1990 and 1993, at a time when rap was not yet on the radio in France, Olivier Cachin hosted a musical TV show on M6 called "RapLine". The...
Deenastyle is a legendary French rap show first broadcast on Radio Nova between 1990 and 1993, which revealed a generation of rappers and marked a...
Deenastyle - Hommage à Lionel D.
Portrait of the "battle phenomenon" in the Hip-Hop scene in France. In recent years, these artistic confrontations have been multiplying across...
Carried by major figures like Dee Nasty, Assassin, IAM, and NTM, French rap has built a strong identity and inspired generations of fans. After its...
La Story du rap français : 30 Ans de succès