This teen drama follows high-school senior David Wakefield, a talented runner who is set on leading his track-and-field team to victory. As David...
Our Winning Season
In the Oregon mountains, a pair of hunters encounter a machete-wielding killer in an abandoned church. Meanwhile, five campers arrive to examine some...
Just Before Dawn
A young Southerner loses his grip on reality when his favorite movie star James Dean suddenly dies in a car crash.
September 30, 1955
A semi-fictional account of life as a professional football player. Loosely based on the Dallas Cowboys team of the early 1970s.
North Dallas Forty
Two policeman are sent on a routine assignment to serve an eviction notice. It becomes anything but run-of-the-mill when they become involved in the...
Ghost Fever
An illegal psychic teleportation experiment goes horribly wrong, and pretentious promo director Patrick gets his genes mixed with those of a football...
The Yob
The crew of an interplanetary commercial freighter beams aboard a now horribly mutated saxophone player who has been adrift in space for over twenty...
Mutant on the Bounty
Fact-based story of Mike Mills, a teen with muscular dystrophy, who is placed in a state nursing home by his destitute single mother. There he must...
When You Remember Me
When the police finds a necklace with some criminal, a detective remembers that it was missing evidence in a murderer case many years ago. So it...
When a young woman is brutally raped and beaten, her mother sets out to find justice for her.
Mrs. R's Daughter
An insurance salesman inadvertently gets trapped after dark in an apartment building that is terrorized by a street gang called "The Vampires."
Enemy Territory
A gambling addict, mobsters, movie producers and others are plagued with murder while aboard a high-speed rail train. This pilot episode for the...
Express to Terror
Michael Carlin, a teacher, has been having an affair with a much younger fellow teacher Carolyn Warmus. When his wife is murdered, the police suspect...
The Danger of Love: The Carolyn Warmus Story
In the days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, panic grips California, where a military officer leads a mob chasing a Japanese sub.