The story centers around veteran assassin Mark Shields as he tracks down, Pelon, the elusive head of the Salazar Crime Cartel. Through twists of...
The Line
A story about an Italian immigrant coming to Los Angeles and finding his favorite transexual: his long lost childhood friend.
Cool Crime
An Iranian-born teenager living in suburban New Jersey thinks of herself as simply an American until anti-Iranian sentiment erupts in her community...
This Is Not A Test is a comedy/drama directed by Christopher Angel. The film is based around a man called Carl (Hill Harper) who's living his...
This Is Not a Test
A fiercely dishonest car salesman hires a new employee who owes a serious debt to loan sharks.
With a spate of violence that rocks the inner city, L.A.P.D. and ex-Marine John Kross investigates its cause: a new drug called Chaos. With help from...