This sports documentary charts the lives of baseball stars Darryl Strawberry and Eric Davis, who returned each year to the South Central Los Angeles...
Harvard Park
The World Series champion Mets of 1969 and 1986 were embraced by fans for their pitching, personalities, and perseverance. In 1969, the world was...
Vintage World Series Films: New York Mets
Mike Veeck, son of MLB franchise owner Bill Veeck, blows up his father's career. Exiled from the game he loves, the younger Veeck spends the next few...
The Saint of Second Chances
While investigating a young nun's rape, a corrupt New York City police detective, with a serious drug and gambling addiction, tries to change his...
Bad Lieutenant
The exclusive, official New York Mets video highlights of an incredible season
1986 Mets: A Year to Remember
When they were good, they were the biggest stars on a team that captured New York City and the 1986 World Series. But when they were bad, Doc Gooden...
Doc & Darryl
On October 15, 1986, the New York Mets came back from a three-run deficit in the ninth and beat the Houston Astros in 16 innings to win the pennant....
The Best Last Best Plane Ride Ever
Adoring capsule of the Mets 1988 season, in which they won 100 games and the National League east division but lost the pennant to the Los Angeles...
1988 Mets: 100 Winning Ways, The Tradition of Excellence Continues
SNY produced documentary that chronicles the 1986 Mets World Championship season, capturing the unique personalities and style of the team, as well...
Simply Amazin': '86 Mets
From Casey Stengel to Doc Gooden, An Amazin' Era captures all the magic and mystique surrounding 25 years of New York Mets baseball.
An Amazin Era: Revised and Updated
Documentary about Dwight Gooden; The Doc. Doc came up as a 19-year old phenom who within a year became the best pitcher in baseball. Unfortunately,...
The Good Doctor