The French romance follows musician Dadju and his love story with the hypnotizing Ima. Dadju returns to his home city Kinshasa to perform in a...
Dadju & co en concert
Dadju en live au Parc des Princes
VersuS, the title of the first song from an incredible and obvious project. VersuS, the musical confessions of Vitaa and Slimane, two artists whose...
Vitaa & Slimane : VersuS Tour
Kendji Girac au Dôme de Paris
Go backstage with beloved rap superstar Gims in the year leading up to his major 2019 Stade de France performance in this up-close documentary.
GIMS: On the Record
Gims & Dadju : le concert événement à Marrakech
Star Academy : après la vie de château
Le festival des festivals
French rapper Soprano opens up like never before. He has become the artist with the highest album sales in France. With over 700,000 spectators, he...
Soprano : le documentaire événement
Gims - Destination Stade de France
Black M - Eternel Big Black Tour
Stars in The Place : Gims & Friends
Vitaa, je m’appelle Charlotte