Two hospitalized young people discover that things can get even worse when the dilapidated institution is stranded by a severe storm and a maniac...
After Kick-Ass’ insane bravery inspires a new wave of self-made masked crusaders, he joins a patrol led by the Colonel Stars and Stripes. When...
Kick-Ass 2
A dying Doctor, who plans to check out on his own terms, takes a reluctant detour when he inadvertently winds up on the lam with an...
Cas & Dylan
An ambitious young man chases his dream of becoming a professional mixed martial arts fighter.
Only I…
What is stranger than the big hole that opens up in Lucy Sherrington's living room floor? As it turns out, love.
No Stranger Than Love
VICTOR is the inspiring, true-life, story of a great Canadian hero - a working class kid who through sheer guts and determination overcomes both...
Seeking refuge on an island in Upstate New York, a married couple's final attempt to salvage their failing relationship takes a turn for the worse...
When Lucie, a young queer woman, is abducted and trapped, she does does everything she can to escape and fight back. Knowing that the man who...
Two associates finally get together during the holiday season to reminisce on their past glory days, hash out their differences, and rejoice by...
Inspired by Canuck WWI flying ace Billy Bishop, two young soldiers crash the front lines in August 1918. With the Allies detained, their platoon must...
Battle for the Western Front
Coco is a professional assassin and has one shot to make things straight, but who will be the target?
The Last Hit
Friday night in Toronto’s lower west end. Chatter from a dinner party in Harry and Carol’s nouveau riche condo drifts through an open...
This Beautiful City
Columnist Peyton MacGruder befriends a reader who sent her a note that inspires Peyton to reconsider the choices she's made and her reluctance to...
The Note II: Taking a Chance on Love
Alex, an immigrant from Ukraine comes to Canada and becomes involved with an online criminal organization called Darkweb. What starts off as a way to...
On the night of her 30th birthday, Lindsay Corwin, an unlucky environmentalist with a string of bad relationships, decides to make the ultimate...
A Wish Come True