When ancient parasites rise from beneath a small town, taking the most fearful and susceptible as hosts, a young trans filmmaker finds herself the...
T Blockers
When Max, trans queen Aria’s found brother and the love of artist Jay’s life, is ruthlessly slaughtered by a shadowy cult in a ritual to...
Satranic Panic
When Sofia, a non-binary teenager, moves to a new town, they aren’t counting on acceptance, and the last thing they expect to find is love....
The Serpent's Nest
A night ride, a few beers with an old friend, memories of better times. One seemingly ordinary drive reveals the dark truths of men’s past and...
A Tale of the Laundry Game
After being kidnapped by a predatory old vampire, Kurt becomes part of a gang of rebellious vampires who feed on bigots and abusers. As a vampire he...
So Vam