Forced to travel to a horror festival with her boyfriend, a young woman begins experiencing premonitions associated with the urban myth of The...
Jeepers Creepers: Reborn
The story of Elton John's life, from his years as a prodigy at the Royal Academy of Music through his influential and enduring musical partnership...
Two detectives - a rookie, Brady, and a veteran, Johnston - hunt the Nightman, a mysterious serial killer motivated by Bible verses. Between 2007 and...
Nightman: Part 1
Jaded detective John Verney is on the trail of an ancient cult of Plague Doctors which is cutting a bloody swathe through the London underworld....
Doctor Plague
Paranoia and fear set in and five friends begin to turn on each other when they must hole up in a deserted holiday home after a botched robbery.
Blood Money
Will any of the former school pals survive? Will anything remain of them after Peter Rabid and his insane sister Bedelia lure them to a secluded...
Peter Rabid
Anne, believing herself possessed, requests an exorcism, with her two children by her side. On the third night, Father Stone, begins to doubt the...
A Final Exorcism