THE SPIRIT MOLECULE weaves an account of Dr. Rick Strassman's groundbreaking DMT research through a multifaceted approach to this intriguing...
DMT: The Spirit Molecule
This documentary traces Stan’s phenomenal fifty-year career as consciousness researcher from his early research on psychedelics, to the birth...
Stanislav Grof: Researcher, Author, Teacher, and Visionary
Through interviews with leading psychologists and scientists, Neurons to Nirvana explores the history of four powerful psychedelic substances (LSD,...
Neurons to Nirvana
This documentary follows the two-time NBA world champion's journey to break his addiction and anxiety by using groundbreaking psychedelic medicines.
Lamar Odom: Reborn
In this documentary, "Zappy" Zapolin interviews spiritual gurus, celebrities, and people of various faiths about the relationship between...
The Reality of Truth
A feature length documentary which invites the viewer to rediscover an enchanted cosmos in the modern world by awakening to the divine within. The...
Entheogen: Awakening the Divine Within