Ian is a struggling actor who finds himself in the unconventional role of a professional mourner. As he tours the Northern Irish countryside, his...
Three Keenings
Comerford’s signature sharp realism infuses this drama about Reefer, an ex-IRA man who picks up hitch-hiker Teresa, a pregnant woman trying to...
Reefer and the Model
It's Samhain (Hallowe'en) in old Ireland, and King Connor is haunted by his life, his legacy, and the enemies he killed in his time. Based on the...
The King's Wake
The story of former UVF member Alistair Little. Twenty-five years after Little killed Joe Griffen's brother, the media arrange an auspicious meeting...
Five Minutes of Heaven
In 1976 the British Government put an end to the special category status of prisoners from the Provisional Irish Republican Army, no longer treating...
Silent Grace
Set in a post-Troubles Northern Ireland, The Truth Commissioner follows the fictional story of Henry Stanfield, played by Roger Allam, a career...
The Truth Commissioner
Ulster 1959. A young journalist visiting his quiet hometown is awakened by a scream in the night. He catches sight of a youth being beaten up and...
The Cry
John, a 35-year-old window cleaner, has dedicated his life to bringing up his 4-year-old son, Michael, after the child's mother left them soon after...
Nowhere Special