Follows the story of Opinião, a theatre group created in 1964 during the early Brazilian dictatorship period to oppose the government through...
Memórias do Grupo Opinião
For the launch of his new giant horoscope computer, famous astrologer Alex invites to his private island friends representing each of the 12 zodiac...
The Sign of Scorpio
Built as a letter to JK in his centenary, the film shows what remained in the memory of Brazilians 26 years after his passing in a car accident in...
JK – O Menino que Sonhou um País
To celebrate the life and the work of a multifaceted creator – playwright, poet, partner of the most important names of Brazilian pop music...
Vinicius de Moraes
Laurindo Almeida, Muito Prazer
Documentary about the birth of bossa-nova, in Brazil, and the major stars of this musical style.
Coisa Mais Linda - Histórias e Casos da Bossa Nova
The crossing of generations under the influence of military dictatorship and political openness. Documentary highlights the role of the organizers of...
Entre a Lei e a Luta
João Goulart (known as Jango) had been democratically elected president of Brazil, but was expelled from office after the coup of April 1,...
Dossiê Jango
Eu, Meu Pai e Os Cariocas
MPB dos Tempos da Repressão
Countryman Onofre is convinced by his cousin to live in Rio de Janeiro together with him so he can enjoy the delights of summer in Rio.
Nos Tempos da Vaselina
Based on the autobiography of noted music executive André Midani, André Midani — An Insider’s Story of Brazilian Music...
André Midani - An Insider’s Story Of Brazilian Music
A prodigy of stringed instruments, a pioneer of Bossa Nova, a modernizing master of the guitar: Aníbal Augusto Sardinha, better known as...
Garoto - Vivo Sonhando
Mixing Samba, Jazz and sophisticated lyricism, the sultry Bossa Nova sound was spawned in the beaches and bars of Rio, Brazil in the late '50s, and...
Bossa Nova: the sound that seduced the world