Ex-con Russell Gaines is attempting to rebuild his life with the help of his father, Mitchell. However, the arrival of Maben sends his new life into...
Desperation Road
After a small-town wrestling star develops a crush on an openly gay classmate, he is stalked by a grotesque creature that invades his thoughts as he...
Abandoned by her father, a young woman embarks on a thousand-mile odyssey through the backroads of America where she meets a disenfranchised drifter....
Bones and All
Jen and a group of friends set out to hike the Appalachian Trail. Despite warnings to stick to the trail, the hikers stray off course—and cross...
Wrong Turn
A self help writer and her family become the target of a troubled girl.
Pretty Little Stalker
After fleeing her abusive boyfriend, Ava, a pregnant woman, is rescued from a car accident by a friendly married couple. While recovering at their...
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