(Long Synopsis) "In this sexy, urban psychological-thriller, handsome Andrew Walters (Johan Earl) leads A Perfect Life, with a high-powered career as...
A Perfect Life
Rachael lives an isolated existence, haunted by an unspeakable past. But when a young boy upends her tightly controlled world, she’s forced to...
A search and rescue team are transported through deep space to a distant mining colony to save the sole survivor of a biological outbreak. During...
Scott spends his days teaching at Space Defender camp, frustrated that he can't seem to find a woman with no baggage. His best friend Jake is no...
Excess Baggage
When a miner's daughter is assaulted in the local coal mine, she utters only one word, leaving the town's sheriff baffled. The event quickly spirals...
As the face of law enforcement in the United States for almost 50 years, J. Edgar Hoover was feared and admired, reviled and revered. But behind...
J. Edgar
A teenage girl is dared by her brother to play a game in the closet.
In a cold and cramped basement, at the far end of the dark place, a housewife is about to make a grisly discovery.
Launder Man