A confident and successful businessman slowly loses touch with reality through a psychotic episode, descending into madness. He befriends his...
Kent Hammer
Animated short inspired by the creator's time spent working at a theme park.
Happyland Incorporated
A young woman awakes to the soothing sounds of a guided meditation - only to find herself bound and gagged.
Can You Hear the Sea?
When Sophia Honeywell dies and appears in a desert-like afterlife, she must compete with a selfish loner for her spot back on Earth and a second...
A Giallo-inspired Thriller about an Upstate New York local and her plot to murder tourists from New York City.
Cats Kill
A visual poem about patterns in relationships.
Examining grief, gaslighting and female friendship with a thriller twist, Wilder Than Her picks up with tight-knit friends Emilia, Finn and Lucey as...
Wilder Than Her