Barah Aana is a comedy of real life set in today's Mumbai. The story revolves around three unlikely friends: a driver (Naseeruddin Shah), a watchman...
Barah Aana
Jhunku, a 14-year-old youth in 1930s British Bangladesh, embarks on a journey to determine where he belongs.
Jim Corbett, an experienced tracker and hunter in the wilds of India, learns that only a few of the dwindling numbers of Indian tigers pose a danger...
Man-Eaters of Kumaon
Within the Delhi based English theater group, a crisis in the personal and professional relationships of the actors is doomed to make a mockery of...
In Othello
In the early years of the 20th century, Mohandas K. Gandhi, a British-trained lawyer, forsakes all worldly possessions to take up the cause of Indian...
In the year 1856, Nawab Wajid Ali Shah is the King of Awadh, one of the last independent kingdoms of India. The British intend to control this rich...
The Chess Players
Krish and Meera, form a young Indian couple climbing the ladder of the corporate rate race in a nation hurtling forward at a rate unprecedented in...
The Great Indian Butterfly
An idealistic English school teacher comes to Trippuvur to work with Mabel Forster, a strong-willed missionary, devoted to saving young girls from...
Miss Beatty's Children