The story of the film revolves around Shaan, who, after passing the Bangladesh Civil Service examinations, joins the police force to serve the...
Intertwined story of a group of friends living together and their romantic complications.
Bachelor: The Circle
The film "Chiranjeev Mujib" is based on the "unfinished autobiography" of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, setting the stage...
Chironjib Mujib
The story of the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971 as seen through the eyes of a young boy.
Amar Bondhu Rashed
Backspace is a Bangladeshi television fiction written by Mehrab Zahid and created by Uday Bangali, which aired on Channel 9.
Based on 1947's book 'Ekoi Namer Golpo' by Hasan azizul Haque.
The Cage
An arrogant millionaire falls in love with a girl who suffers from dementia.
During Bangladesh's Liberation War against Pakistan in 1971, in a remote village Rabeya and Rokeya, two orphaned young sisters, live in the...
Poor oil miller decides to use his daughter-in-law to spin the treadle due to lack of ox.
The Cycle
After falling in love with an extremely idealist youth Tajul, Shanu ignored her luxurious life and left her home town, leaving behind just a short...
Myth of Love
Several newcomers in the film industry who fall victim to deception.
Rong Dhong