A modern, dark-humored tale of greed, romance, and lost innocence in consumer-crazed, alienated society that functions as a harsh critique of society...
This Game's Called Murder
The Patina Robotics Company makes AI assistance robots that 'Live to serve.' When John brings one home to his girlfriend, she gets more than she...
A scientist readies a boat after his warnings of an Earth-destroying flood are ignored. However, after the disasters reach a peak level of...
Oceans Rising
"A Motion Selfie" is one-of-a-kind DIY filmmaking: a darkly comic chronicle following a year in the life of a washed-up viral video star and the...
A Motion Selfie
Devin's struggles between an office job he hates and a pitiful career as an actor get worse when his beautiful girlfriend Jasmine decides to stop...
The Nearest Human Being
An aspiring serial killer abducts his first victim, both are shocked to discover that she cannot die.
Miranda Veil
A behavioral experiment treating humans like animals goes awry when a University Student manipulates the research with deadly results.
Like Dogs