A decades spanning mystery commencing in 1945 after the mysterious deaths of Adolf Hitler and Subhash Chandra Bose, and culminating in 2022 at the...
The Lost Ship
No Time To Think
Set in the mythical world of Arcadia – an utopian continent inspired by old world mythologies – the story revolves around several main...
Land of Arcadia
Oliver is a banker and portfolio manager and leads a life in the fast lane, which one day comes to an abrupt end, as he builds a self-inflicted...
The Goldfish
Inside a remote rehab sanatorium, four newly arrived patients, each one with a specific emotional damage, go through hell by discovering and enduring...
Two bachelorette parties meet under the Ibizan sun. This could simply be a fun getaway for the single girls - if the future groom wouldn't be...
A famous photographer and his wife are rekindling their relationship by moving in a remote hut. Going through the up and downs of marriage: fights,...