This documentary tells the forgotten stories of some of the most influential personal computer pioneers in the San Francisco Bay Area. In the late...
The Silicon Valley Revolution: How a Few Nerds Changed the World
"Welcome to Macintosh" is a documentary that mixes history, criticism and an unapologetic revelry of all things Apple. Whether a long time Mac...
Welcome to Macintosh
Referred to as "Woodstock of the 80s", the US Festival was iconic with over 2 million attendees. Created by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and...
The US Festival 1982: The US Generation Documentary
Broadly considered a brand that inspires fervour and defines cool consumerism, Apple has become one of the biggest corporations in the world, fuelled...
Steve Jobs: Billion Dollar Hippy
A tale of how the great vision and epic failure of General Magic, the "greatest dead company in Silicon Valley", changed the lives of billions.
General Magic