The story is about Sam being tricked into making an MLM investment led by Ray. Sam met with his good friend Malik, a real estate broker, to borrow...
Satan's Curse
The true story behind the iconic Selamat Hari Raya song written in 1958, by P. Ramlee and Jamil Sulong during a variety show which they had organised...
Showtime 1958
The horror comedy is directed by Rosdi Md Dali, exploring the lives of a filmmaker and his crew.
A film based on true story of Sergeant Kanang Anak Langkau, an iban warrior and the nation's most decorated war hero, who fought bravely during...
Kanang Anak Langkau: The Iban Warrior
The movie is inspired by the famous Malaysian urban legend about a mysterious yellow-coloured Volkswagen seen on Karak highway. According to legend,...
Volkswagen Kuning