Mark, a new and inexperienced rugby club member, finds himself drawn to Warren, a seasoned first team player. When a series of happenstances at an...
In from the Side
A young man, of Romani descent, returns to his hometown of Gloucester. He is met by local garage mechanic, Dunleavy. They embrace, smiling. But what...
A stone-broke gay actor and a privileged screw-up with a failing business cross paths on a winter night and join forces in a quest around London to...
On a Winter Night
The story kicks off on Hartcliffe council estate in Bristol during the early 1980s. It follows Steven Knight, a working-class boy who has his...
The Fence
According to her research and to-do list, 30-year-old Mabel has everything she needs to “lose it” to nice-guy Guy. But, when he needs a...
Losing It
Set in the rolling hills of the English countryside, one week of school remains for Kai, an aspiring writer, and his friends. How they choose to...
As I Am
In his last months alive a young man calls upon his four closest friends to make his existence infinite through the assembly of five key elements...
Tobias Baines kills people for a living. He believes his job is an art form and see's himself as a showman. The old saying goes, 'He who lives by the...
White Rabbit
A hunter stalks his prey across a barren wilderness but all is not as it seems as the two finally come face to face.
Danny finds the courage to admit his romantic feelings for his best friend, when he is asked to be the best man at his wedding in Greece.
The Groomsmen: Second Chances
A pediatrician and an overseas doctor, meet at a wedding in Philadelphia, but the long distance, family, and their friends may hinder their budding...
The Groomsmen: First Look