Gokul Joshi becomes overwhelmed with the fast-paced life of Mumbai and prefers staying at his home. However, things take a turn when he unexpectedly...
The film revolves around Rahul Desai (Siddharth Ramchandra Jadhav) who lives with wife Sunita (Nandita Patkar), son Chinmay (Aaryan Menghji) and...
Baal Bhaarti
Samir and Aparna find out about Aparna's pregnancy and plan a weekend trip to Roha to visit Sada and his wife Shalini, ex students of Samir's father....
Dhol Taashe is a Marathi drama that cinematically frames the musical culture of Maharashtra through the eyes of a simpleton, Amey an IT executive....
Dhol Taashe
The journey of a boy on his quest through all the hardships, hurdles and circumstances. All in all, the film is a gritty tale of how you can strive...
Mi Pan Sachin