The story of Lee Tae-shik, a former anti-terrorist unit who worked as a secret agent for the National Intelligence Service, struggling to find his...
Doo-hyun, who goes by the name the "Goblin", goes to prison for taking the fall for Young-min who killed their boss. Released after 10 years,...
The Goblin
Eun-soo and Eun-ha, a couple, left of the popular music production company to shout their individuality and form a Milky Way band with Dong-eun....
Her lover has never taken a dangerous risk in his life. She has been for seven years and is going to get married next month. One day she meets a...
The Intimate
Friends since childhood, three young professionals struggle with their compulsions—schizophrenia, sex addiction, and infidelity.
Searching for the Elephant
A psychiatrist fails to help a mental patient during her stay in hospital. The doctor becomes obsessed with his former patient, seeks her on the...
Ja-young lost her husband 3 years ago. One day, Dong-ha appears in front of Ja-young and her daughter Yoo-jin. Ja-young falls in love with Dong-ha...
Love at the End of the World
Daddy's back
After a group of criminals manage to escape while being transported, a skilled task force is assembled to help track and return them to prison.
The Bad Guys: The Movie
A movie about a man in his fifties who is diagnosed with cancer and a middle-aged woman living a hard life running a supermarket, swept away by...
Last Holiday
Based on a true story about the horrifying incident that happened to the band who went on a trip to Chuncheon.
A man searching for his missing ex-girlfriend uncovers the dark secret behind an organization selling romantic virtual reality experiences. A film...