When 11 of her friends are raped and murdered, leaving the Samurai Princess (Aino Kishi) the only survivor, she becomes infused with her comrades'...
Samurai Princess
One morning, a high school girl, Eri Oshima's (Mariya Suzuki) mother, Tomoko, is glued to the TV news. Her eyes were glued to the news of a case in...
Kokkuri-san: Gekijô-ban
Akikawa Reiko has been married for three years, has a banker husband and a seemingly happy married life, but has a secret side: she is a state secret...
Married Executioner R Mission 1: Bloody Mischief
8 episodic series from the Shibuya Kaidan series.
Shibuya Kaidan: THE Riaru Toshi Densetsu
A story about how Kuboshima Seiichiro overcomes various difficulties to open Mugonkan, an art museum in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, featuring...
The Oshima Gang