The same Captain Nemo who appeared in Jules Verne's marine science fiction novel “Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under The Sea,” this is a...
CAPTAIN NEMO ... Captain Nemo and the Mysterious Island
“They have a grand history, but they don’t have any money!” Such is the historic little country Pecchieno. Their prime minister,...
"The late Edo era. A tale of a new, dangerous area & those washed up on the wrong side of the river, that draws on the pathos and beauty of the world...
Shadow of the Moon
Germany in 1988, torn into East and West by the Cold War. Jonas Heinrich, in charge of public relations in the National People’s Army of East...
Flügel -The Wings You Gave Me- / A Kaleidoscope of Life
Eternal Voice 消え残る想い/Grande TAKARAZUKA 110!
Takarazuka Snow Troupe performance starring Tsukishiro Kanato and Towaki Sea
New Wave! -雪-
Buenos Aires in the mid-1900s. The long military regime is finished, and a new president is in power. A former extremist leader, Nicolas, is released...
The Wind of Buenos Aires ~Blown Between the Light and the Shadow...~
A loose adaptation of Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" set at an American high school in the 1950s.
Sweet Little Rock 'n' Roll