In the year 2020, a group of wealthy Moscovites travel to an abandoned astrophysics complex, rumoured to have enough power to halt the process of...
At the beginning of the German occupation, the boy and his older teenage sister are left without adults with a museum collection of coins and orders...
Treasures of the Guerrilla Forest
Biopic of Russian ice hockey legend Valeri Kharlamov from early childhood, rising to the pinnacle of the sport and his untimely death
Legend No. 17
Nurick and Yaroslav are trying to robe a criminal boss. Unfortunately Nurick dies but returns to the world with a mission: to be the guardian angel...
A parents struggling with their children suddenly get an advise for psychologist - to exchange the kids...
Children for Rent
Дружба особого назначения
A story about a friendship between eighty years old sculptor and a way younger theater director.
On Upper Maslovka Street
Winter of 1945. The Soviet Army is conducting a successful offensive in East Prussia. A new addition is coming to the reconnaissance company —...
Axe. 1945
Karina comes from Moscow to a small Tatar town to visit her parents. The father treats his daughter for her way of life. Karina's mom shares a secret...
Apricot and Dried Apricots