This film shows the pain and heartbreak of a young couple who recognize the nature of their teacher, a monk who hides the evils of the world under...
Sin and Virtue
The work reflects the historical life of the great general D. Sukhbaatar, who started participating in the People's Revolution.
The Rays of the Rising Sun: Episode 1
The Rays of the Rising Sun: Episode 2
Based on Battulga's novel "Uyahan Zambuutiv" by writer Zo Pei Jing, this film tells about the love and tragic fate of the brave and poetess Snow...
White colt of Dreams
Through the activities of Tuuvarchin herders, it is told about how human character and social property are treated and protected with love.
Herding Path
Darbazar, who was carrying a secret letter to General Sukhbaatar about how ordinary herdsmen participated in the People's Revolution of 1921, fell...
A Messenger of the People
This film shows how Damdin's son and his peers live the poor and difficult life of Mongolia at that time.
Before Dawn
It tells about the tireless work of an ordinary doctor working in rural areas.
For Humanity
This film, made in the form of a legend, shows love for the motherland and land, unity between nature and man, compassion, and manifestation of cruel...
The Legend of Mother Oasis